(photo: Kamila J Photography)
Finding Aurora, garage rock band, hailing from Newport, have made big waves in the South Wales music scene with their nostalgic sound, classic rock vibes and blistering performances; gaining a dedicated fan base and more and more recognition along the way. This Saturday gone sums up just some of their journey. Selling out their local venue, Le Pub, was a massive achievement and was truly an unforgettable night, with new songs, older favourites and half a Queen cover: all this in celebration for their latest release 'Overdrive'. It's been a good few months since we've heard new music from the boys in Finding Aurora, mid October last year with their class self titled EP, but today we finally get to listen to their highly anticipated single.

'Overdrive', with searing riffs, rip-roaring drum beats and beefy bass lines, is a snappy, rock anthem. Finding Aurora have whirled up a storm with their infectious energy and ability from vocalist to switch effortlessly between smooth, rhythmic singing to a raw shout during the chorus. There’s no doubt that this song brings out the anarchy in us all. It's fierce, dynamic and gutsy!
I've said it before and I'll say it again: big things are happening for Finding Aurora.
Listen to 'Overdrive' here: https://open.spotify.com/album/6KVpEnJ0X8c4kl7SMTJfIH?si=2hQYtfB1Rg6Da2a-7doBrg
Check their social media for all the latest news @findingaurorauk