Bloom! have only gone and done it again. The South Wales pop-rock three piece are due to release their fourth single ‘Cage’ tomorrow and we were very excited to hear that a new tune was on the way. Bloom! have proven that they are a vital piece to the local music scene with this one.
‘Cage’ begins as an acoustic number, with melodic flutters of guitar and the strong presence of front-woman Sophie’s impassioned vocals. At the 1 minute 20 second mark you get slapped in the face with a surge of awoken attitude: it’s electric, it’s edgy, it’s powerful, it’s rich. The drum beat is punchy and the bass and guitar hooks are just invigorating. There’s no stopping this band.

As soon as live events are back on, head down to see Bloom! and do yourself a favour, pick up one of their brand new t-shirts here: https://www.wearebloomuk.com/product-page/crocodile-tear-cage-t-shirt
You can hear ‘Cage’ for yourself tomorrow on all streaming platforms. In the meantime, have a listen to their three previous singles and give them a follow here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/68L95KmdyFWSXpmujzdw7Y?si=_h3tOSHTRpeQkj-L2NU9tA